Page 13 - The Digital Cloth - Issue 5
P. 13

walking.                                                 Clare says likes to keep abreast of what is
      “I’m lucky to live in Perth, a city that has a           trending, but is selective about the direction
      coastline of beautiful beaches and lots of               she takes for her commercial work.
      areas of natural bushland close to where I               “If I’m not inspired by the latest trend then I’ll
      live. I love to take photos of plants, animals           move on; I have to be interested in the work
      and things of interest when I’m out exploring            I’m creating,” she said.
      and then sketch from these images. Plus the              Of course like so many artists before her,
      light and colours of Australia have undoubtedly          Clare walks the well-trodden line of
      influenced me as I love to use bright, strong            remaining true to her individual style and
      colours in my work. I love to take these items           aesthetic, while ensuring her work is
      and create playful, happy surface designs that           commercially viable, a challenge she
      are full of colour, layers and texture.”                 navigates in every design.
                                                               One current trend that Clare is keen to build
      Clare has a strong theoretical background in             on, is the use of hand-drawn patterns and
      surface design, having completed a Diploma of            natural fabrics.
      Surface Design from the International School             “I have always loved fibrous, organic
      of Colour and Design in Sydney, the                      materials and love the character and
      internationally recognised Make it in Design             individuality you can achieve in hand-drawn
      e-course, and a 20-year career in fashion and            patterns,” she said.
      graphic design. And, since launching Clare               “I think in our current global situation,
      Martin Designs in 2019, she’s been busy                  people are yearning for ‘simple’, ‘sustainable’
      producing designs for the commercial market.             and ‘heartfelt’, and I predict that sentiment
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