Page 2 - RAFINO_Reporter_Fall2018_Issue
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Table of Contents
Subject Page RAFINO OfficersAFINO OfficersAFINO Officers
The Prez Sez 3 President
The Vice Sez 4 Mr Kevin Troller
The Trez Sez 5
Webmaster “Robby” 6 1 Vice President
Delinquent Dues 7 Mr Larry Elsom
Reunion Newz 8-12
Laffs 13 Secretary/Treasurer
Saga of the Bean Windows 14 Mr Imre Volgyi
Bulle n Posts Web/Data Master
Mr Richard (Robby) Robson
2 Vice President- Reunions
~ To YOU, OUR Membership ~ Bruce Prater
This is your newsletter, as such we encourage
and solicit your feedback, comments are Assistant Treasurer
always welcomed as to how we can improve.
We’d also like to know what you’ve been up Mr Anthony Lorenz
to since you retired? Do you have a favorite
fishing, travel, charity, grandchildren story?
You write the article, we’ll publish it! The cut- The Retired U.S. Army Finance Organization
off for articles is February, May, August, (RAFINO) is recognized by the IRS as a
November and NO politics, racial or slander- non-profit organization under Section 501©
ous articles. (19) of the IRS Code.
Thank You!