Page 4 - RAFINO_Reporter_Fall2018_Issue
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The Vice Prez Sez:The Vice Prez Sez:The Vice Prez Sez:
As we near the end of Kevin Troller's term as our President, I take this
opportunity to thank him for his leadership and untiring efforts to solidify our once two separate societies of
RAFINCO and RAFINO into our now combined Retired Army Finance Organization. Through Kevin's
leadership, we have vastly improved communication and information sharing throughout the organization,
brought on a significant number of new members since Las Vegas, created lifetime memberships and
reworked our bylaws in order to better serve our merged organization. It has been my pleasure and honor to
serve with Kevin on the 2016-2018 Board of Officers and I look forward to many more years of his positive
influence on RAFINO.
Reunion: It's almost time! Yes, by the time you read this, our reunion in Albuquerque will be less than a
month away. Bruce and Harold and their entire team have done a magnificent job planning and setting up
what I believe will be a great time for us all. I look forward to seeing all of the repeat reunion participants and
welcoming the 33 first time attendees. Our reunions are the foundation of our organization as they provide
an opportunity to meet new members, renew old friendships and promote camaraderie and esprit de corps
within the retired financial management community.
Membership: As of this update, we have 483 members in good standing, meaning their dues are paid at
least through year 2018. This includes 218 lifetime members. Also, as of August 31 we have 219 associate
members (surviving spouses). Although they do not pay dues, surviving spouses are welcome and
encouraged to attend reunions and provide input and vote on reunion/cruise issues. Several surviving
We have 101 members that are delinquent in their dues covering years 2015-2017. Please remember, spouses are registered to attend the Albuquerque Reunion. Please seek them out, solicit their valuable
delinquent members cannot attend reunions, cannot vote on RAFINO issues and cannot use the facilities of input, and make them feel welcome. Lastly on the new membership front, we have gained 59 new members
the website. If you are delinquent in your dues, I ask you to renew your membership by sending in a check since we last met in Las Vegas. Aggressive recruitment of recently retired financial management soldiers is
for the full amount in arrears plus the current year. To check your dues status, login to the RAFINO Website, critical to the continued viability of our organization. As the Membership VP for the last two years, I want to When the home page opens, your dues status will be displayed just above the important dates to thank all of you that have reached out to friends and colleagues and encouraged them to join RAFINO. You
remember section. If you are delinquent, the statement “Dues Delinquency” will appear on the home page made my job easy.
just under the main menu bar. Another option is to consider our age indexed lifetime membership. Rates Larry J. Elsom
are: Age 50 or less $200.00; 51-60 $150.00; 61-70 $125.00; 71-80 $100.00; 81-90 $75.00 and 91 and CSM (Ret.)
above $0.00