Page 5 - Klahanie May-June, 2019 Issue
P. 5

Klahanie                              projects before the required

                Board Members                    November.                                                            E V EN T S  C O MM U NI T Y
                                                 Budget Ratification vote in

                                                 The Board elections will begin
                                                 with a training session in

                  Results from the Annual
                                                 run until the Annual Meeting
                  Meeting and Board Retreat      October and the campaign will      Solving the High Costs of Paint
                                                 in early January. Now the new
                                                 board members will have the
                  During the Annual meeting for   knowledge of the budget and       A New KHOA
                  all members of the Klahanie    be ready to assume their duties    Benefit for
                  Association, held in March, the   in time for the January Board
                  results from the recent Board   meeting.                          Homeowners
 2nd Annual -     of Directors balloting were    With board terms beginning and     Effective this month, every
                  announced. Justin Hutchings and
                                                                                    homeowner in Klahanie will
                                                 ending in January as opposed to
                  Rob Young were reelected to
 Chinese Festival    serve another three year term.   March, the two board members   qualify for a substantial discount
                                                                                    on all Sherwin Williams paints
                                                 with expiring terms currently set
                  During the open discussions    for 2020 will have their final term   and supplies. The KHOA has
                                                                                    created a wholesale contract
                  the nominating process was     shortened by three months.         with Sherwin to be able to pass
                  questioned and will be evaluated                                  along our discount to all Klahanie
                  by an ad hoc committee with                                       residents, as a benefit of living
                  suggestions for improvement.      CHRIS                           here.
                  During the Board Retreat held     President                       Indoor or exterior paints or stains
                                                                                    are included, the sliding scale of
                  a few weeks after the Annual                                      the discounts ranging from 15%
                  Meeting, the board members                                        on brushes and equipment, 49%
                  voted to elect the board officers                                 off on the SuperPaint line; 46% off
                  as shown on the adjoining chart.  ROB YOUNG                       on the Duration line and 38% off
                                                    Vice President                  on the premium Emerald line of
                  Another significant change       C o m m i t t iee s              paints.
                  approved at the retreat is the   • COMMUNICATIONS
                                                   • BUILDING AND SPECIAL PROJECTS  Here is how the program works
                  restructuring of the main HOA                                     for you.
                  planning times and business       SARA LANIS
                  meetings during the year to                                       1. The paint/stain must be
                  increase efficiency. The HOA     C o m m i t t iee s              purchased at the Sherwin
                                                   • ACC
                  has long operated on a calendar   JUSTIN HUTCHINGS                Williams store located at 3000
                                                                                    Issaquah Pine Lake road SE. You
                  year. From this point forward the   Treasurer                     can also order on the phone by
                  year’s events are being shifted so   C o m m i t t iee s          calling 425.313.0490
                  that planning comes before the   • FINE
                  setting of the budget, to allow for   JEAN ANN AGUIRRE            2. The discount is for Klahanie
                                                                                    residents who mention our
                  quicker funding of new projects.   Member                         wholesale discount program- you
                  The elections for Board positions   C o m m i t t iee s           may be asked to show your ID
                                                   • FINE
                  will take place in the fall and   CONNIE WAN                      with a Klahanie address.
                  culminate at the Annual meeting   Member                          3. You pay for the paint and
                  which has been moved to early                                     supplies you order just like any
                  January.                         C o m m i t t iee s              regular purchase.
                                                   • ACC
                  This means that in 2019 the       DON STEPHANINAN                 4. If you have any questions, ask
                  board will have a second                                          to speak with Akeem Bell, the
                  retreat. This will provide two   C o m m i t t iee s              store manager.
                                                   • BUILDING AND SPECIAL PROJECTS
                  months to research any financial   • SOCIAL                       This new benefit will help to take
                                                   • COMMUNICATIONS
                  implications of newly approved                                    some of the pain out of painting.

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