Page 8 - Klahanie May-June, 2019 Issue
P. 8


                  to the Klahanie Pools

                                                         Steffi Reuter, Director of Aquatics

                  Klahanie’s two pools,         Our aquatic program offers high   thru Thursday for two weeks
                  Mountain View and Lakeside    quality Swim lessons for all ages.   each session starting on July 1st.
                  are unmatched by any other    We are working on extending the   Register on the Klahanie web
                  community in Eastern King     aquatic program to reach more   site at Living in Klahanie/ Pool
                  County. The pools provide     people of our community.       Information
                  residents a place to relax, play   Here what is currently running   Separate classes are offered
                  during their free time, swim for a   and what is coming soon to our   at both Pools for Preschoolers
                  team, meet other residents and   Pools:                      (3-5 years old); beginners/
                  pursue one of the healthiest ways                            intermediate and advanced kids
                  to exercise and improve their   Free 3rd Grade Swim lessons for   over six years old and for adults.
                  fitness.                      Klahanie kids:
                                                                               Private lessons:
                  The KHOA covers the costs of   A new program that teaches our
                  the pools through assessment   3rd Grade kids basic lifesaving   You can schedule private lessons
                  income and private rentals.   swimming skills started at the   by email at swimlessons@
                  During the year we rent the pool   beginning of May.  We plan to for $ 120 for four
                  time to Issaquah and Skyline   do this every spring so that soon   lessons. Only Instructors from
                  High School swim teams for their   all children will be safe in and   our Klahanie Pool Staff are eligible
                  practices.                    around the water.              to teach in our Pools.
                  With two pools it is our goal   The class consists of seven free   Klahanie Sharks Swim team:
                  to have all residents use the   lessons. Kids in 3rd Grade are   The Klahanie Sharks season starts
                  pools each year and become a   more likely to succeed during the   at the beginning of May and runs
                  community with safe swimmers   seven lessons than younger kids   through July. The Sharks field a
                  at every age.                 will do.
                                                                               team of 200+ swimmers and are
                  Our monthly Pool schedule gives   Summer swim lessons:       open to Klahanie residents only.
                  adult lap swimmers, kids and   You don’t want to miss the June   For information and registration
                  families during guarded open   10th registration date for our   go directly to their website:
                  swim and the Swim teams pool   popular summer swim programs.
                                                These courses run from Monday

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