Page 11 - Klahanie May-June, 2019 Issue
P. 11

When Klahanie residents, John   choosing to make the retaining wall   always stays dry enough that when
            and Shirley Murphy decided that   approximately 18" in height it gave   not putting, it serves as a soft carpet
            they wanted to be able to make the   us a sitting bench that spanned the   and the maintenance is zero.
            most of their small backyard, space   whole back yard.
                                                                         This final design allowed for                 H O M E A N D G A R D E N
            management was critical to making all
                                           Wanting both a fire feature that they   entertaining capacity of over 1,000
            of their goals a reality.
                                           could sit around and also having a   sq. ft. with very little need for seating
            Their goals included:          water feature, we decided to combine   with the retaining wall acting as built
                                           both into the same space and were   in seats.
              1. Covered patio area
                                           also able to make the fire aspect a
                                                                         The Murphy’s love their new outdoor
              2. Fire and water features   surprise until the gas was lit. Having
                                                                         space and related “Not many people
                                           it be gas also kept it clean and usable
              3. Putting green                                           can say that working with their
                                           12 months of the year. This double
                                                                         contractor is a complete joy from the
              4. A large entertaining      feature was also placed to be the
                                                                         beginning to end of a project.  After
              capacity                     centerpiece of the entire backyard
                                                                         working with Jeff and his team, John
                                           to take advantage of the views from
              5. Low maintenance                                         and I absolutely can. Jeff’s vision
                                           inside the home as well
                                                                         for our yard was better than we
              6. Make all elements flow
                                           The roof structure was designed to   could have imagined ourselves. He
              and connect to the home and
                                           look like it always had been part of   listened to our wish list of things we
                                           the house design. This was the critical   were looking for in our yard. He then
            With those pieces of the puzzle   piece to enable the Murphy’s to enjoy   added his creativity and developed
            established, and through a series of   their outdoor space throughout the   a working plan. Now we have an
            design meetings with John and Shirley   year.                oasis that we use every day. The new
            we were able to make it all happen!                          backyard has become the favorite
                                           The final piece of the puzzle was
                                                                         room in the Murphy household.”
            The backyard had a hill side that   the putting green. By going with a
            sloped into the home and by    synthetic putting green our surface

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