Page 12 - Klahanie May-June, 2019 Issue
P. 12
Pea -
THE The Birth
Patch of a Novel New
Gathering Spot
Klahanie Maintenance
The Klahanie Homeowner’s The Klahanie Pea Patch Committee Steve Durr
Association and the existing (KPPC) was established for Manager
independent Pea Patch Klahanie homeowners who wish to
organization have agreed to work rent an organic garden plot in the
together to expand and support Klahanie Community Pea Patch for There is an old proverb that it is
the pea patch organization. The the purpose of growing seasonal an “Ill wind that blows no one any
Pea Patch is now chartered under vegetables and annual flowers for good.”
the KHOA as a committee. family use. The January wind storm that
caused so much damage
This change brings with it the KPPC hosts four meetings during
support of Association resources the gardening year. Participation throughout the greater
which will include refurbishing in at least one of the meetings, community, came very close to
the garden infrastructure and either in person or by proxy, being that ill wind. With multiple
the addition of new gardening is required to be a Committee large trees blown over, the pool
resources. The Klahanie member in good standing. KPPC cover ripped to shreds and debris
Community Pea Patch is offers member assistance with everywhere, the good from the
comprised of 27 garden plots. The plot layout, soil amendments, wind was a challenge to find. But
approximately 10’by20’ plots rent suggested vegetables and flowers it did surface!
for $50.00 each and are available for Northwest climates, and While walking the trails the week
for the 2019 gardening season, sources for seeds and starts. after the storm, resident Don
through October 31st. Plots will Master Gardeners, Seattle Tilth Stephanian was concerned that
become available for rent each and other gardening experts will the large fallen trees would end
year at the club’s annual meeting offer their expertise during the up as waste. From his musings
in March. club’s meetings, Spring (Annual,) came the idea to harvest some of
Summer, Fall and Winter. the tree rounds and create a new
gathering spot.
For Additional information, please
contact: Don approached the Association
with the idea of creating a new
• Marjorie Linda-James, Interim area in Lakeside Park made
Committee Chair, Klahanie Pea Patch entirely of wood from a fallen tree.
Club Once approved, my maintenance
• Lori Goerlitz, Interim Secretary/ assistant Michael Theiling and I
Treasurer, Klahanie Pea Patch Club joined him in creating the new stump seating area. We spent an
entire day preparing the site, and
hauling in rocks to form a base
before we tackled the lumberjack
work. We chain sawed off
sections of the trunk to be seats
and a table then sawed longer
sections to work as benches.
The strenuous day was
immediately rewarded when a
passing family walked up, sat
down and had the first picnic in
what we refer to as the Klahanie
Stumps. I hope that you too will