Page 7 - Klahanie May-June, 2019 Issue
P. 7

                                                                                                                       C O MM U NI T Y

                                   OF CURB APPEAL

                                         Improvements to Klahanie Blvd.
                                                                          By Michael Shane, Director of Compliance

                  First impressions count!  The first   a real impact on home values.  and start painting.
                  thing a prospective owner sees   To underscore this importance,
                  when entering a property is the   the Klahanie HOA has begun work   To complete this process in a
                  exterior grounds.  If plants are   on a major project to improve   timely manner before the summer
                  overgrown, it ages the look of   the appearance of Klahanie   season ends, the Association has
                  the property. If the mulch isn’t   Boulevard. The project includes   contracted with reliable vendors
                  fresh, the property looks tired.   pruning all shrubs, adding fresh   who can complete minor fence
                  Services such as adding seasonal   mulch, fence repairs and painting.   maintenance for homeowners
                  color offer not only a bright and   We are also considering updating   and paint at a reduced painting
                  welcoming feel to the grounds,   the fence color so that it will not   cost of about 50% of retail prices.
                  but also show that the property   easily show dirt and mildew.   As an additional convenience to
                  is well cared for and that there is   All homes which have fences   homeowners that have repaired
                  ongoing attention paid to it.                                or added a new fence within
                                                and back to Klahanie Drive or   the last 6-8 months, and the
                  When it comes to value of a home   Klahanie Boulevard are included   HOA office has an approved
                  for sale, research conducted by   in this program. This initiative   Architecture Control Committee
                  Community Association Institute,   was approved by the Board of   application for that project, you
                  shows the impact of seasonal   Directors at the March meeting.     are exempt from any cost of
                  color, fresh mulch, renovated   To save homeowners money and   this program. For homeowners
                  lawns and attractive fences   time, the HOA has approved a   that need major fence repair or
                  translates to a higher sales price.   three-phase process that will be   replacement, we can recommend
                  Survey results show that these   ongoing throughout the spring   contractors to work with at
                  renovations result in increased   and summer months.         market prices.
                  property value in the range of 10%.
                                                                               When this initiative is completed,
                  The Klahanie HOA has always   Phase 1:  Pressure clean fences   Klahanie Boulevard will have
                  supported the importance        to remove mildew, dirt, loose   an upgraded appearance and
                  of landscaping and home         paint and other debris.      the painting should last for up
                  improvements throughout all   Phase 2:  Repair or replace    to seven years. The combined
                  neighborhoods and homes. This   boards and wood rot that was   investment made in this
                  includes maintenance of front   discovered during cleaning.  project by the Association and
                  yards, shrubs, lawns, tree removal                           homeowners will have numerous
                  and house painting. Collectively   Phase 3:  Complete prep work   benefits, and those benefits start
                  this is all “curb appeal”, and it has   (caulking, brushing, priming)   accumulating immediately.

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