Page 71 - ECA Yearbook 2023
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finished first with 43.75 points in his best 10 races of the summer.  Gabe Stern
        finished second with 42 points and Roy Adamson was third with 37 points.

        Complicating things further was the fact that stalwarts Teamwork and Swoose
        didn’t complete enough races to qualify for the season unless points are added
        for a DNS.  Nevertheless, I wouldn’t publish anything if I didn’t think that in the
        end, when done and dusted, the results listed above will hold up.
        Congratulations Jim!

        The Spring series known as the Chili Bowl was easily won by Eric Jones in
        Teamwork.  In the Fall, the Chowder series was also won by Teamwork with
        Swoose finishing second.

        Thames Yacht Club hosts two invitational regattas, The Cal Brouwer Memorial in
        June and the Commodore’s Trophy Race in September.  This year the Cal
        Brouwer was won in a dying breeze by Mike Macina in Firebird – 301 from fleet
        34.  Firebird was the only Ensign to finish before the time limit expired.

        The September Commodore’s Trophy Race with a bit more wind was also won
        by a Fleet 34 boat.  This time it was Robin Durrschmidt in Magic – 363.  Eric
        Jones finished second and was able to keep some of the silver at TYC.

        After two years of COVID, sailing was mostly back to normal until several boats
        contracted COVID at this year’s National Championship Regatta.  The cases
        were all mild with symptoms nearly non-existent.  Hopefully this is now finally
        behind us and we can all sail happily sail into a red sunset.

                                2022 Season Results

                             1  Jim Anderson, Sam - 981
                            2       Gabe Stern, Triton - 1731
                          3  Roy Adamson, Friendship - 1066

        11     SWOOSE                Russ Carr
        62     WHEN                  Marcel Couture
        286    RUNNIN’ DOWN A DREAM  Eleanor Mariani
        319    TEAMWORK              Eric Jones
        724    HIBERNIA              Richard Foye
        789    CHIKAIN               Tom Loughlin
        981    SAM                   Jim Anderson
        1046   BRYIMDYR              Matthew Jorgensen
        1066   FRIENDSHIP            Roy Adamson
        1348   MARANA                Jennifer Pratt Day
        1637   INTREPID              Jim Dimitri
        1731   TRITON                Gabe Stern

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