Page 15 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 15

Tags and Swipes, Spring 2021

        Merrimack Valley Chorus continued

         Kim’s success was immediately apparent when a number of our members spontaneously invited her back
         to work with us again. We didn’t know how a full day of Zoom would work out – but everyone who
         participated is very happy to have had this experience.

         As with all Retreats, we followed up on
         Saturday night with a PARTY! Dressed in
         Spring Fling gear, we sang, muted to
         Karaoke requests and to live guitar, watched
         pre-recorded videos and skits, guessed at the
         identity of twenty five adorable baby pictures
         and at the titles of movie clips.  What a
         creative bunch! We did a ton of singing,
         laughing and had many happy tears. Just
         what we needed.

         Along with the rest of Region 1, we
         optimistically  look  forward  to  Spring,
         Summer and Fall and the possibility of
         outdoor   gatherings   and    rehearsals.
         Hopefully we can pick up where we left off
         our search for a new Rehearsal Hall.
         Wouldn’t that be a great way to come back

                                                                  Marian Minnich

                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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