Page 29 - Summer 2023 Tags and Swipes Newsletter
P. 29

Tags and Swipes, Summer 2023

        Island Grove Chorus (continued)

       Though we are small in numbers, it felt like every single member of IGC contributed in some way to our
       competition package. From our choreography team, who helped us pull together moves for our songs, to
       our makeup and costume teams, who helped us look our best, to the individual members who contributed
       their time, efforts, and insight (and even snacks), we could not have had such a fun and successful contest
       weekend without everyone’s talents, participation, and perseverance. Singing onstage at the beautiful
       Symphony Hall in front of the best audience we could ask for – Sweet Adelelines! – was just the sprinkles
       on the cupcake that was our fun, exciting, if a bit rainy, weekend in Springfield.

       So now, what’s next? Well, Island Grove is getting back to our real love: performing for our local
       communities, friends, and families. We have two performances on the schedule for this summer in our
       hometown of Abington, Massachusetts, singing with the Abington Town Choir and the Abington Town
       Band at Founders’ Day in June, and outdoors at a July Sunday evening concert series at a local bandstand.
       IGC will also be performing at a family 90 birthday party for one of our retired basses. This fall and
       winter we are hoping to perform multiple times at some of our favorite venues; and we already have our
       annual holiday performance booked for December.

   29                                      (continued on the next page)

                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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