Page 36 - Summer 2023 Tags and Swipes Newsletter
P. 36

Tags and Swipes, Summer 2023

        Post Road Chorus

       Warm greetings to all from Post Road Chorus of Worcester, MA.  We’ve had a fairly quiet time since the
       last newsletter.  Our only opportunity to sing this winter was our holiday performance at Briarwood in mid-
       We opted out of participating in Contest this May to give us more time to get back on our feet after the past
       couple of years’ struggles.  Some members still attended to support those choruses that did participate, and
       they shared many positive and wonderful comments with the chorus afterward.
       Sadly, we lost one of our founding members, Nancy Young (Mama Nance), in early May.  She was a
       wonderful baritone, a funny and fun lady, and a friend to all.  She is deeply missed…

       We recently had our ceremony to elect Board Members, and we appreciate all who served and continue to
       serve our chorus in small and large ways.

                                            (continued on next page)

                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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