Page 6 - Winter 2024 Tags and Swipes Newsletter
P. 6

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2024

                               From our Membership Coordinator

          It’s no mystery that membership in this organization has its ups and downs. Goodness knows we’ve had
          our downs. But I’m here to tell you we are on the upswing!!! Kudos go out to our Chorus Membership
          Coordinators and their teams for increasing Region One’s membership by 28 new members between
          January ’23 to January ’24!!! 28!! Why, that’s another whole chorus!!

          Though I only earned a C in statistics “back in the day”… and yes, it was after the abacus…. Just over
          50% of our choruses (10 out of 18) increased their membership! Three choruses remained the same in
          this time period, and 5 had a small decrease in their membership. The membership count is a moving
          target,  though,  so  figures  can  change  with  the  click  of  the  “enter”  key.  Nonetheless…..  28  new
          members!!  Congratulations, Region 1!

          And, let’s give a hearty congratulations to Valley Chords for winning the Ignite the Sound Watch Party
          Contest and earning $1000! Members working together to achieve a common goal is what it’s all about.
          Speaking of working together, the entire Region 1 membership rallied together and cast their votes for
          Valley Chords. Talk about unity and working toward a common goal. Region 1, you ROCK!

          Our  Chorus  Membership  Coordinators  deserve  a  round  of  applause  as  well.  Spearheaded  by  the
          Membership Resource Team of Jeffie Roberts (CSC), Anne Wilson (MM), and Linda Green (MVA) a
          database of membership resources is being developed with documents and suggestions such as audition
          processes, welcome letters, membership retention ideas, etc. So, please, membership coordinators…..
          send in your info, answer the Resource Teams’ surreys and questions so they can provide a wealth of
          information for you.

          We’re all in this quest together…. To share what we know to be true….

          Membership in SAI and particularly in Region 1 is THE BEST!!!

          Yours in harmony,

          Sally Jeffery

          Region 1 Membership Coordinator

                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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