Page 5 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 5

Tags and Swipes, Winter 2022

                                From our Director’s Coordinator

         Congratulations to several Region 1 choruses that survived and thrived without a Musical
         Director and now have a new and talented person to lead them musically in a whole new and
         positive direction!

         How did that work for them?  I think this quote says it all.

         “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” – Henry

         These five choruses did NOT take their eyes off their goal and have met with well deserved
         success.  Please join me and all of Region 1 in celebrating their new Musical Directors!

         Island Grove: Director Dr. Yufen Yen

         Valley Shore acappella: Director Anne Tortora

         A Cappella Sounds: A candidate to audition when COVID restrictions have lifted.

         Champlain Valley: Interim Director Chris Sarkis

         Merrimack Valley Chorus: Co Directors,
         Carol Smolenski and Sally Jeffery

         Gail Jencik
         Region 1 Director’s Coordinator


                                North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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