Page 16 - yi ling,tsai archi
P. 16

e cyclone would damage nearby
                                  iving environment to survive

                People, living, environment and       Self-sufficiency:
                symbiosis: People not only share sunshine,   . The behavior of growing organic and
                raindrop, air and land together, but also   agricultural products constructs a new lifestyle
                produce together. Through the activities of   It not only produces products, also provides
                settlement, people expect to interact with   services It's not just cohabitation Tenants can
                the land, the environment and city.   co-created new.
                Home is our harbor: The existence of home   lifestyle Sharing platform:    Social Housing Situation:
                is to improve the living equality. The service objects   By extending the more outdoor living space,   Because of the high prices in this era, it’s such
                in the future are not only for weaker people, but   the simply and flexible system provides a   a big burden for citizens. Therefore, there is a
                also different groups. People live in a comfort-  multimensional sense of space, which creates   case called ”Only for rent, not for sell ”. But
                able way. People can plan the growing in area,   "home and garden" for people's life.  there are disparities in the proportion of the
                and combine the space planning with social                                 total gap, it will lead to a slum or be labeled
                relationship.                                                              weak residential areas.
                Symbiotic mechanism: The or ganic                                          Social Housing Total Quantity:
                p ro duction of agriculture in the communi-  It is not only in the sun , rain , air, land , also co-production , production and learning
                                                           through activities set residence generated expectations among people with each  other
                                                            , interact with the city and the land and the environment, to live in Construction cityscape
                ty, so residents can develop micro-entrepre-                               Taiwan's population density and housing
                neurship through production and ser vice.                                  quantity is relatively low compared to other
                So, social  sharing will be a good way to                                  countries. Although most of the social
                                                                                           housing plan at present is for disadvantage
                change mane people’s life, even for the poor                               people, it doesn’t really work out. We need
                people.                                                                    an overall residential policy, not just for urban
                Periodic spatial configuration:                                            development.
                In our planned open-architecture system, there                             In the future, it should not just be space
                is the possibility to provide multiple individual                          planning aesthetic. Instead, the integration of
                needs and flexible life cycle deductions. Clusters                         hardware and software is vital. Through the
                in the proposed spatial changes in the proposal,                           design mechanism, it shows a new urban
                but also to other residents a better understand-                           style and lifestyle. Therefore, the entire
                ing of their needs. Through the joint decision by                          community is multi-mixed interaction. For
                demand and change the configuration of the                                 disadvantaged groups, they need lower price
                way, the pr oposal itself must also be the                                 of social housing and be provided some
                                                                                           opportunities to process "micro-entrepre-
                common interests of the cluster to be                                      neurship". In addition, more innovative
                considered. In addition, we have a further                                 ideas or organizations should be injected to
                vision of an open architecture sy stem, a                                  allow adequate education resources into public
                space that c an  accommodate multiple                                      housing. In order to construct fair education-
                individuals and a space that responds to the                               al platform and social entrepreneurship, we
                individual needs of the individual in each life                            plan to establish sharing and exchange public
                cycle.                                                                     platform.
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