Page 17 - yi ling,tsai archi
P. 17

TimE  COMmming the History

             FengYuan- Story of people and reli-
             gious belief:
             In the society where we have to fight for our own
             lives with the fate, the lands, and the people, a
             temple is a place to comfort our spirit. The tribes
             our ancestors exploited usually were based on

             The temple is the first place, where people to
             develop and get together. Because of gener-
             ations of operation, the temples become much                                                                                   industry
             more famous. The temples are usually accompa-   The transformation of the land if front
             nied with sacrifices, asylum, deeds, stories, art.     of the Temple:

                                                             T he  sp ace transfor mation is fr om the
             The history of the development of the           traditional pilgrimage pr oce ssion t o the
             Han Chinese immigrants in Taiwan:               surr ounding ar e a ar ound the  wat er and
              Due to the difficulties of settlements, the aboriginal   gr een belt. It’ s mor e c onv enient for
             ethnic dispute, inevitable natural disasters and diseas-  pray e r because they  can hav e seats and
             es. These factors are challenge for ancestor ’s   get some food in this area.                      Decline lonely space , on the busy road bridge . Is inconvenient or uncomfortable , so most
             life. Therefore, the religion plays an impor t-    On the way to temple, sensual enjoyment          people abandoned the original security , and select the car Chao Feng front post , if
                                                                                                                abandoned the original intent of the space , there is no possible use , will be the most unfort
             ant role to help them get through the difficulties.   is the  big point. T hr ough the  special    unate of abandoned urban density space. Therefore, we hope that through and environmen
                                                             design and combine  with the  shops ne ar          tally friendly manner , as well as increased demand for the original function , hoping to reach
                                                                                                                 some of the safety benefits , instead of ignoring the legacy space all around no one is using .
                                                             the ar ea, w e hav e the same  v alue as the
             The connection between emotion and              faith. We must cre ate  a culture of faith as
             water: There are lots of temples surrounded by   a sustainable industrial transformation.
             the Huludun Shenzhen, including Cheng Huang
             temple, Fude ci, Tzu Chi Kung. From these       The method to transform: Activities can
             different gods, we can know the importance of   be cr e ativ e and be  held in the public
             religion for residents. Gods have their own areas   platfor m. W e  expec t t o cr eat e a ne w
             and they keep people safe mentally and          lifesty le for r esidents in this ar ea.
             physically. It  w ould be bett er if w e hav e a
             plac e, wher e  includes different gods.
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