Page 22 - yi ling,tsai archi
P. 22
FengYuan- Story of people and reli-
gious belief:
In the society where we have to fight for our own
lives with the fate, the lands, and the people, a
temple is a place to comfort our spirit. The tribes
our ancestors exploited usually were based on
The temple is the first place, where people to
develop and get together. Because of gener-
ations of operation, the temples become much
more famous. The temples are usually accompa-
nied with sacrifices, asylum, deeds, stories, art.
The history of the development of the
Han Chinese immigrants in Taiwan:
Due to the difficulties of settlements, the aboriginal
ethnic dispute, inevitable natural disasters and diseas-
es. These factors are challenge for ancestor ’s
life. Therefore, the religion plays an impor t-
ant role to help them get through the difficulties.
The connection between emotion and
water: There are lots of temples surrounded by
the Huludun Shenzhen, including Cheng Huang
temple, Fude ci, Tzu Chi Kung. From these
different gods, we can know the importance of
religion for residents. Gods have their own areas
and they keep people safe mentally and
physically. It w ould be bett er if w e hav e a
plac e, wher e includes different gods.