Page 2 - Friday Gram, September 22, 2017
P. 2

Cowpens Middle School collected
           Cowpens Middle School
                                                                            over  600  items  for  hurricane
                                                                            disaster  relief.  Raiders  make  a

                Cowpens  Middle  School  students  participated  in  a
                fun  day  of  learning  tennis  skills,  playing  tennis  and

                having fun with Broome High School athletes. At the
                end of the day, everyone went home a winner!

                                                               Pacolet Elementary School

                                             Fifth  graders  at  Pacolet  Elementary  School  created
                                             Westward Expansion journals.

       First  grade  readers  at  Pacolet  Elementary
      School are ready for a successful year.

                                                               Pacolet       Elementary        School       teachers
                                                               collaborate  weekly  with  coaches  and
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