Page 4 - Friday Gram, September 22, 2017
P. 4

(continued)   As  part  of  their  weather  unit,

              Cowpens Elementary School second
              graders  Bradley  Hembree,  Kane
              Goldman,  and  Brooklyn  Robinson,
          CES   made  pinwheels  to  further  their
              understanding of wind as a force that
              causes movement.

                                                  Four-year-old  Kindergarten  students  at  Cowpens
                                                  Elementary  School  completed  apple  art  projects  after
                                                  learning  about  apples.   Alyanna  Flores  painted  her
                                                  apple, while Saul Wright practiced his fine motor skills
                                                  with his apple collage.

                                                                                        District News

       During the September 21, 2017 Board meeting, the following students were recognized:

       Recognized for their art work on display in the
       District  Three  Administrative  Offices  board
       room  were:    Cannons  Elementary  –  Natalie
       Irvin,  Fiona  McAmish,  Abby  Sellars,  Izabelle
       Waddell,  and  Joseph  Watkins;  Clifdale
       Elementary - Reagan Cox, Holly Grizzle, Jase
       Ingalls,  Christian  Sanford,  and  Christopher
       Wampler;  Cowpens  Elementary  –  Blake
       Bridges, Finley Duggins, Kimberly Leiva, Thad
       Lyda,  and  Elisabeth  Villanueva  Ortega;
       Pacolet  Elementary  –  Tiarra  Dimsdale,  Leah
       Dunnaway, Jayla Fullenwinder, and Ellie Herr;
       Cowpens Middle School – Allyssa Forest, Zoe
       Phillips,     Brantlie      Price,      and     Brianna
                                          Middle School of Pacolet – Tristen Lindsey, Jahkyria McBeth,
                                          Phoebe Ratsasack, Lily Sistare, and Connor Richmond-Troy;
                                          Broome High School - Megan Chance, Hannah Norton, Janis
                                          Parker, Shelby Poole, and Cara Stokes.

                                          Two  Cowpens  Elementary  School  students  have  won  a
                                          poster  contest  sponsored  by  the  South  Carolina  Council  of
                                          Teachers  of  Mathematics.    They  are:    Clara  Moore,  grades
                                          kindergarten  through  second;  and  Vanessa  Guydyk,  grades
                                          three through five.  Each girl will be the recipient of a $50.00
                                          cash prize.
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