Page 9 - Friday Gram, September 29, 2017
P. 9
Broome High School’s Homecoming Parade was super
exciting for the Clifdale Elementary School Tigers! We
promoted ourselves as a certified Energy Bus School by
riding our very own Energy Bus, complete with school
chants, pompoms, and Clifton the Tiger! We are “ALL IN”
for District Three.
Tonya McCullough’s third grade class knows how to learn and grow together. From
enjoying science class outside to creating a fingerprint tree about classroom
togetherness, these students are having a blast. Keep up the good work!
Daniel Morgan Technology Center
Electricity students at Daniel Morgan Technology
Center are refining their residential wiring skills to
prepare for wiring real world projects. The students
are working on the house that is being built by the
building construction class.
Students in building construction at Daniel
Morgan Technology Center were excited to
unload and stack materials from the first
delivery of the year. The materials will be
used for small projects and children’s