Page 5 - Friday Gram, September 29, 2017
P. 5
Third, fourth and fifth grade students
were selected to help the Cowpens
Elementary School Guidance Counselor,
Angela Bellamy. Bellamy’s Buddies will
demonstrate friendship to their peers
and help discourage bullying behavior.
Middle School of Pacolet
Students at Middle School of Pacolet participated
in Hat Day. Proceeds raised will go to Relay for
FCA members and their sponsors hosted, See You at
the Pole at Middle School of Pacolet. This is a
nationally recognized event, held every fourth
Wednesday in September.
Students at Middle School of Pacolet enjoyed working
out mathematical equations on their desk, in Allison
Sutton’s class.
Alice Pennington, the Teen /Tween Assistant at
Spartanburg’s Public Library, spoke with Middle
School of Pacolet’s Chat & Chew Book Club
about upcoming events at the Library.