Page 3 - Friday Gram, September 29, 2017
P. 3

In  third  grade  science,  Pacolet
                                      Elementary  School  students  are
                                      investigating  the  changes  in  states  of
                                      matter.   One  group  of  students  filled
                                      cups  of  ice  and  investigated  to  see
                                      how water condensates on the outside
                                      of  the  cup.   Another  group  blew  on
                                      mirrors  to  see  how  their  breath  (gas)
                                      turned       to    fog     (liquid)     as     a
                                      representation of condensation.

                                        Broome High School

       Broome  High  School’s  James  Otis  Scholars,
       Brian  Linder  and  Sonnia  Eison, attended the
       Ninth  Annual  James  Otis  Lecture  Series
       presented  by  the  South  Carolina  Chapter  of  the
       American Board of Trial Advocates. The featured
       speaker was Judge Richard Gergel, of the Dylan
       Roof  case,  speaking  on  "Separation  of  Powers
       and  the  Judges'  Role  in  our  Constitutional

                                         Mrs.  Calvert’s  first  block  students  at  Broome  High  School
                                         decorated  their  classroom  door  for  the  Homecoming  door
                                         decorating contest.

       The Broome High School advanced art
       class  painted  shirts  to  kick  off
       Homecoming  week  with  Celebrate
       America Day!
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