Page 2 - Friday Gram, September 29, 2017
P. 2

Pacolet Elementary School
                                                                       In     third    grade       math,      Pacolet
                                                                       Elementary  School  students  made
                                                                       flipbooks  to  review  the  properties  of

              Third  through  fifth  graders  at  Pacolet  Elementary
              School enjoyed the PTO after school dance.

                                                                  Pacolet       Elementary        School       staff,
                                                                  students,  and  parents  enjoyed  Family
                                                                  STEM night.

      Pacolet  Elementary  School  students  enjoyed
      spending time with the PES Panther.

                                                                  Fourth  graders  at  Pacolet  Elementary
                                                                  School      created      presentations        using
                                                                  Google Slides.
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