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Not If,                                     experts in the world (p 3). When my luck
              But When                                    changed that day, I was tremendously grateful
                                                          that those bridges were in place.
                                                             The people whose stories you’re about to
                                                          read in this magazine know how I feel. Susan
                              You’re not going to like what  Taylor lived in London for 20 years and never
                              I’m about to say.           needed help—until the day she did (p 10).
                                At least ten percent of   Or as Lisa Minuto puts it, “One day I was
                              the people reading this are   healthy; the next day I wasn’t” (p 4).
                              going to face a health crisis   Back to my unpopular message. Someday
                              this year.                  you’re going to need the medical access
                                I know. You immediately   Healthnetwork offers. It may be for yourself.
                              think, “Not me.” That’s what   It might be your daughter. Your grandson.
              I used to think.                            When—not if, but when—your luck changes,
                Many of us have been lucky in life. I know I   we’re here for you. The bridges have been built.
              have. I built a business and sold it. I won YPO’s   Our Medical Coordinators are standing by.
              highest honor for creating the Inventory of   We can get you fast access to the best
              Skills, which developed into Healthnetwork   medical specialists.
              Foundation and grew so fast I could hardly     Will you do three things for me today?
              keep up with it. For many years I never needed   1.  Read the stories in this magazine and
              to use Healthnetwork’s services for myself.      think to yourself, “It could happen to me.”
              Because the big scary health stuff happened    2.  Save our number in your phone:
              to other people.                                 866-968-2467.
                Then one day I got a phone call. My          3.  Ensure your 24/7 access to us by
              grandson was going to be born much too early     setting up your portal at
              at 22 weeks. All of a sudden, everything I’d
              ever learned through Healthnetwork got put
              into use within an hour. We got my grandson
              to the best care immediately, and after 125
              days in the NICU he went home. Today he is
              a bright, healthy 12-year-old.
                For 30 years generous people have funded   BILL ROWLEY
              this mission of making medicine better for all.   Chairman and Founder
              We’ve built bridges with the best medical   Healthnetwork Foundation

              BOARD OF ADVISORS                            EXECUTIVE TEAM
              William W. Rowley | Chairman and Founder |    William Rowley (Donating Time)
              Chagrin Falls OH                            Megan Frankel, President
              Anthony Busa | Bay Village OH               Lisa Herchek, Chief Operating O cer
              Barney Corning | Boston MA                  Kim Kotora, Vice President
              Bernardo B. Fernandez Jr., MD | Coral Gables FL  Richard Cartabuke, MD, Medical Director
              Josh Guttman | Cincinnati OH
              Bill Krul | Kettering OH
              Brock Steere | Akron OH                     On the cover: Lisa and Greg Minuto dancing at a family
              F. William Steere | Akron OH                wedding. You can read Lisa’s story starting on page 4.
              Patricia Rowley McCollum | Chesterland OH
              William Babcox | Chagrin Falls OH

              2€€Healthnetwork Foundation€|€

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