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Healthnetwork: Tell us about your most recent It’s challenging because it’s time intensive,
joint endeavor, the Executive Health program but it can be done.
at Yale.
Healthnetwork: How is it that you can oer
Dr. G: In a way the name works against us,
because this is really quite di erent the program to patients at no-charge?
from other commercial executive health Dr. G: Our corporate contracts pay a middle-
programs out there. Our program is highly of-the road fee. Philanthropy is also key—
individualized. We do not rely on algorithms. not just to help maintain the program but to
What we’re doing is testing to see if advance medicine in enormous ways. We’re
personalized care can: ) Improve patient already seeing this happen. For example,
satisfaction and outcomes; ) Reduce because of the generosity of individuals who
physician burnout by improving morale; and became part of the executive health program
) Make the vast resources throughout the and want to give back, we are building what
Yale system more accessible to people. will be one of the largest neuroscience
Oh, and we want to o er this at no cost to centers in the country that will employ close
individual patients. We started this a couple to , people in inner-city New Haven and
years ago and already see it working at a will attract elite scientists who will come and
small level; now we need to make it scalable. work on cures for Parkinson’s and other
neurological diseases. Also because of a
Healthnetwork: Improving patient satisfaction philanthropic gift, we are addressing physician
and outcomes makes sense. Can you elaborate burnout by providing digital scribes for docs,
on the goals of reducing physician burnout and giving them back , hours a year so they
making Yale’s resources more accessible? can go have dinner with their family.
Dr. G: You’ve heard of Yale because the Yale
brand is strong for lots of di erent reasons. Healthnetwork: What are you excited to see
But when you’re sick and need a good doctor, happen in the rest of your career in medicine?
you might think of a dozen other hospitals Dr. G: Seeing Executive Health become part of
before you’d think to go to Yale. We wanted the fabric of Yale New Haven is at the top of
to change that. my list of personal goals. I’ve spent my whole
life dedicated to improving health one patient
Dr. M: About five years ago physician burnout
was about percent. We were one of first at a time, and now to have a chance to do this
hospitals not only to quantify it but to publish at a national and international level through
it. It was quite controversial, but we made a this program is hugely rewarding. That’s the
concerted e ort to be transparent about it— immediate goal. The long-term goal would be
because you can’t fix something if you can’t to find the next unmet challenge and get
see it. working on that.
Dr. M: A few things come to mind: One would
Healthnetwork: What’s it going to take to make be enhancing physician leadership. Two is
this work at a larger scale? recognizing in medicine that failure presents
an opportunity to rise. We’re taught that
Dr. G: For one thing, we are not trying to go everything should be just right, and I’d like to
fast. We are determined to do this well. I’m change that. Three, I would like for every
proud of what we are seeing so far: percent person who goes through Executive Health to
of patients that have come through this say, “What a great experience!” And I want my
program gave it a /. The no-show rate is grandkids to be proud of me, like I was proud
zero. Physicians love it. It’s really a model of of my grandfather. ✦
clinical excellence, and if we can scale it, this
is how we should deliver health care.
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