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Long-time Healthnetwork supporters Woody and Cynthia Collins joined
the Family Legacy program for the sake of their six young grandchildren.
A Concierge Level Experience
“Carol kept in touch and made sure
A twood (Woody) Collins III everything was moving along. She even called
remembers being at a YPO
event thirty-some years ago
to follow up after my appointment, asking if I
and hearing about how a fellow was satisfied with the result. This was very
YPOer, Bill Rowley, had won an impressive and meant the world to me,”
award for a referral network he created called says Woody.
the Inventory of Skills. At the time, Woody says When a dear friend mentioned their
he didn’t fully appreciate the value of the struggle to find a specialist for their two-year
medical access he had through the Inventory old with an undiagnosed medical issue, Woody
of Skills, which developed into Healthnetwork knew what to do. He called Carol. Once again,
Foundation. But now that he’s been through a she secured an appointment quickly, this time
medical issue of his own and has grandchildren at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).
to consider, it’s a dierent story. The family was able to get the answers they
Woody’s first experience began with a phone needed. “I really appreciated the incredible
call to Healthnetwork Medical Coordinator, urgency of Carol and the team at CHOP and
Carol. Woody had a glaucoma diagnosis and the manner in which my friend and her child
needed expert care. This was the start of a were treated,” says Woody.
close multi-year relationship with Carol. He A year later, Woody got even more
trusted her with his concern, and she jumped reassurance of the value of a Healthnetwork
in and promised to connect him with the best referral, when his wife needed an appointment
medical options. For his first request, the best at Bascom Palmer for an eye issue. Upon
specialists were in Miami at the Bascom arriving at the hospital, they asked the
Palmer Eye Institute. specialist they were working with if they
knew of Healthnetwork.
8 Healthnetwork Foundation |
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