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                                                          Healthcare for

               “Healthnetwork has done such               Future Generations
              a great job for us, and we wanted
                our children to have the same

                access and to be able to build            I continue to be thrilled by your interest in our
               the same relationships we have.            Family Legacy program. We started this last
                                                          year because of growing inquiries from long-
               It is not just a referral. It is truly     time members who wanted to ensure their
                  a concierge level of service            children and grandchildren have access to top
                                                          medical care for many years to come.
                  throughout the experience.”                As a GOLD supporter, you know you can call
                                                          us anytime for any of your loved ones. If you
                                                          also like the idea of your children establishing
                                                          their own relationship with Healthnetwork,
                                                          the Family Legacy program was created for
                                                          you. Under your sponsorship, your children or
                                                          other significant family members have their
                                                          own GOLD supporter cards and can call us
                                                          directly anytime. And you can feel confident
                “Oh yes, we know Healthnetwork;           future generations of your family will continue
              we speak with them all the time,” came      to benefit from access to top medical care for
              the reply.                                  decades to come.
                The strength of this bond between            Many of our families put careful thought
              Bascom and Healthnetwork illustrated        into succession planning for family business
              for Woody how they were able to get         and wealth transfers. Now you can add
              medical access so quickly.                  healthcare to your legacy.
                Now that Collins’ two sons have              If you’d like to learn more about the Family
              grown and have families of their own,       Legacy program or discuss a gift through your
              Woody wants them to have the same           estate plan to Healthnetwork Foundation,
              Healthnetwork experiences that he has       I would be happy to speak with you. ✦
              had. “I didn’t hesitate to sign up for
              Healthnetwork’s Family Legacy program.
              We have six grandchildren under „Š—
              something is bound to happen at some
              point,” he says. “Healthnetwork has done
                                                                          MEGAN FRANKEL
              such a great job for us, and we wanted                      MEGAN   FR ANKEL
              our children to have the same access                        President
              and to be able to build the same                            Healthnetwork Foundation
              relationships we have. Not only does                        +„ ……†-‡ˆ…-„‰‡Š
              Healthnetwork develop a relationship                        mfrankel@
              with the family, they become the                  
              ambassador for the family. It is not just a
              referral. It is truly a concierge level of
              service throughout the experience.” ✦

                                                                  One Call Starts It All +1 (866) 968-2467 +1 (440) 893-0830  9

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