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An Emergency                                 before: “We didn’t know you can’t get into
                                                           a private ward unless you have a private
              Overseas                                     doctor,” Susan says. “We’ve never had to
                                                           navigate anything of this complexity before.
                                                           We weren’t prepared.”
              Susan and George Taylor* own two homes in      Susan’s doctors did not feel confident
              England and have lived there part-time for      making a diagnosis and had her scans sent to
              years. They always had private health care via   another hospital to be analyzed. The report
              insurance while George was working, and until   came back that she would not need surgery.
              last year they never had any significant health   “Essentially they were going to let me heal as
              problems—which meant they never had to       best I could, and then do a hip replacement
              navigate the National Health System. Then an   down the line.” Despite feeling woozy from
              accident landed Susan in the hospital, and they   the pain medication, neither Susan nor
              found themselves totally unprepared.         her husband trusted that recommendation.
                                                          She had seen the scans, and her intuition and
                                                           medical background led her to believe the
                                                           damages were extensive.
                 S        usan looked both ways before     Searching for Options
                          setting out to cross the street. At
                          the center of the four-lane road,
                          she checked again to be sure the   George, prohibited from entering the hospital
              coast was clear before continuing across. Out   due to COVID-‹Œ regulations, spent those first
              of nowhere, a car zipped around the corner   couple days trying to arrange a private doctor
              and slammed into her right side. When she    and figure out their options. “George handled it
              opened her eyes, a crowd had gathered.       like he’d handle a business emergency,” says
                “Here, try to sit up,” someone urged.     Susan. “He looked at all the options and
                But Susan knew better. A former nurse      started making calls.”
              practitioner, she knew to stay still until     One of those calls was to Healthnetwork
              paramedics could be sure she didn’t have     Foundation, which George knew about as a
              a spinal injury.                             donor to the Medical Center at Ocean Reef, one
                In the emergency department, Susan says    of Healthnetwork’s partners. Betsy, one of
              she received prompt and thorough care.       Healthetwork’s Medical Coordinators, connected
              “They knew exactly what to do. They did a   George with an orthopedic trauma surgeon in
              CT scan. They checked for internal bleeding.   London. The surgeon, Mr. Paul Harnett,**
              Everything they did was excellent—until      practiced at Cleveland Clinic’s outpatient
              they decided I wasn’t going to die. Then they   facility in London, and is now part of the team
              dumped me on a ward, and that was the        at Cleveland Clinic London, which opened in
              worst night of my life.”                     March –—––. Mr. Harnett called George back
                                                           within an hour of receiving Susan’s scans.
              Night from Hell                                Susan had three breaks in her right shoulder
              That night, Susan lay in her bed in a large   and a fracture in the socket part of her hip
                                                           joint. Mr. Harnett recommended surgery, and
              room shared with five other patients. One    George and Susan agreed it seemed the best
              person screamed in pain all night long, and   course of action. In fact, being so confident in
              another moaned all through the night. Two of   the need for surgery, Mr. Harnett had already
              her roommates had terrible coughs, making    booked an operating room for Susan. The
              Susan fear for her respiratory health. “It was   surgery took place a couple days later and
              horrible. A night from hell.”                took four and a half hours.
                It was a harsh way to learn something about   “I’m really not sure what would have
              the National Health System they hadn’t known
                                                           happened if not for Healthnetwork,” Susan

              10  Healthnetwork Foundation |

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