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Making Medicine

                          ou have access through
                 Y        Healthnetwork to some of the

                          world’s best physicians. These
                          are the doctors who—besides
                          providing superb patient care—are
              doing the research, making the discoveries, and
              leading the way into the future of medicine. We
              are honored to partner with Yale New Haven
              Health, and grateful to Dr. Sandip Mukherjee
              and Dr. Jaime Gerber for taking time to have
              this conversation. We hope you enjoy getting
              to know this dynamic duo.

              Healthnetwork: How did you choose to go
              into medicine?                                  Jaime Gerber MD, FASNC, FACC, RPVI
              Dr. Mukherjee (Dr. M): I didn’t have much of a   Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine
              choice. My grandfather was a country surgeon    Fellow, Pearson College
              in a poor town in Northern India. When my       Medical Director, Executive Health
              dad immigrated to the U.S. I was about two,     Director, HVC Vascular Laboratory
              and I stayed with my grandparents until I was   Yale School of Medicine
              five or six. These were pre-HIPAA days and I
              would make rounds with my grandfather. It’s     Sandip Mukherjee, MD, FACC
              trite to say I wanted to make a di‡erence, but   Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine
              that’s what I saw him do. And I saw the         Fellow, Pearson College
              respect he earned. He would walk through the    Chief, Complex and Executive Health
              town and people would literally stand for him.   Executive Medical Director, Oƒce of the Chief
              In front of our door we would always have          Medical Oƒcer
              chickens and eggs and other food. I always      Cardiac Director, The Aortic Institute
              felt the relevance and importance of what       Yale School of Medicine
              he did. I really never even thought about
              another calling.
              Dr. Gerber (Dr. G): My story isn’t nearly as
              exciting. In college I was an EMT riding with   But seriously, I came to Yale New Haven in
              the ambulance company through a voluntary   the ’Š‹s because I appreciate the teaching
              and community supported program. My         environment here and how the institution puts
              interest in medicine grew organically       the physician and the patient at the center of
              from there.                                 the medical experience. I was an attending
                                                          physician in the cardiology department, and
              Healthnetwork: The two of you have been     Sandip was the first echocardiography fellow.
              working together for a long time. How did   He was about to go to a hospital in California,
              that start?                                 but I bought him lunch from a Chinese food
              Dr. G: We met at the beginning of the last    truck and convinced him to stay. We’ve been
              Ice Age running from the velociraptors.     working together now for Ž‹-some years.

              6  Healthnetwork Foundation |

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