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says. An early option discussed was to transport   The Ripple Effect
              Susan back to the States for treatment.
              “But I was in so much pain. It hurt to breathe,”   Healthnetwork thrives because of
              she says. “I cannot imagine the process of        generous people who give back.
              being medevacked back.”
                                                               “We were given an exceptional chance
                                                                with Healthnetwork and we are glad to
                                                                give back. It’s like the ripple eect: The
                       “I honestly believe that                 stronger the referrals, the resources, the
                    it’s because of Healthnetwork               sta, the marketing—everything!—the
                                                                stronger Healthnetwork becomes, the
                         I am walking today.”                   more people you will be able to help.”
                                                                                       — Susan Taylor

              Grateful for Second Opinions
              Susan says they learned a lot through the
              ordeal, including that, “One opinion is just an
              opinion, even if you are told the opinion comes
              from a team of specialists. If you get a second
              opinion that reinforces the first, that’s one
              thing. But if you get a second opinion that
              is radically dierent, your ears perk up.”
                Once Susan felt well enough to travel,
              the Taylors went to their home in Ocean
              Reef, Florida, where she saw an orthopaedic      Now Open!
              surgeon for follow-up care and threw herself     Cleveland Clinic London
              into physical therapy.
                                         “I’m putting          Mr. Paul Harnett, who did Susan Taylor’s
                                          everything I         complicated surgery, is one of over ‹ŒŒ
                                          have into it,        physicians at Cleveland Clinic’s brand new
                                          and I expect         ‘’“-bed hospital in London, which opened
                                          to make a            near Buckingham Palace on March •–, •Œ••.
                                          complete             Cleveland Clinic, a long-time partner of
                                          recovery,” she       Healthnetwork Foundation, has been
                                          says. “I have my     building their clinical sta in London for
              lovely stilettos sitting in the closet. I see them   years ahead of the hospital’s grand
              and say, ‘Okay girls, next year.’”               opening, which is how we were able to
                After three months in a wheelchair, Susan      facilitate a connection for the Taylors. The
              was overjoyed to graduate to a walker and        outside of the hospital building looks
              then a cane. “Once I got out of that wheelchair,   historic and stately; the inside oers
              every day was a sunny day!” And while it’s       state-of-the art technology, including a
              been a long and painful road to recovery,        pharmacy robot that individually wraps and
              she is grateful for how things turned out.       tracks drugs by barcode to the patient’s
              “I honestly believe that it’s because of         bedside, and intraoperative imaging
                                                               technology that creates images of the brain
              Healthnetwork I am walking today.” ✦
                                                               during brain and spinal cord surgeries so
              Notes:                                           neurosurgeons get accurate, real-time
              * This story uses pseudonyms in order to respect the family’s   pictures of the brain. ✦
               desire to remain anonymous.
              **Surgeons in the UK take the title of Mr.
                                                                  One Call Starts It All +1 (866) 968-2467 +1 (440) 893-0830  11

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