Page 11 - Audacity Edition 2
P. 11
Tony O. Elumelu
Africapitalism is a development model opportunity to be and we know that
that prioritizes our youth and creates they risk their lives as stoways.
hope for them. It is a bottom
up approach to development, an all- They cross the Mediterranean or at-
inclusive approach that brings develop- tempt to cross the Mediterranean on
ment to everyone. One that creates eco- canoes and you know the outcome,
nomic empowerment and one that cre- most of them die, they don’t even get
ates hope for the future. to the destination. Not only that, we
have also seen some of them trust Traf-
Poverty surrounds us in Africa. Our fickers, that traffickers will take them
youth, our youth need jobs, Plenty jobs. to the Promised Land or the land of
Our youth need hope, economic hope, milk and honey. But when they get
hope for a better tomorrow – plenty there, they are subjected to the worst
hope. There is so much uncertainty form of human degradation, human
about the future; we have seen extrem- evil and the so-called economic oppor-
ism, ethnic tension and social discontent tunities that drove their actions – they
on the rise. won’t get to experience it. Some of
them end up selling their organs to
In Africa, we have tried different devel- survive. We have seen the rise of hu-
opment approaches to deal with these is- man trafficking; we can’t just allow this
sues of poverty eradication, job creation to continue. This is not right. We can’t
and creating economic hope for our peo- look on without doing something.
ple. In fact, we know that we have not
made much progress. In some areas, we We saw the Arab spring and what
can even say that we have regressed as a led to it. It was a lesson
continent. Our development partners are
but unfortunately as a continent I
not left out; they too have tried to sup-
don’t think we learnt so much from
port us.
that lesson. In Africa, I say to peo-
ple and we have all heard it today,
Aid inflow into Africa in the past 10
years, is more than half a trillion dollars we have the most precious devel-
-$469 billion but we all know that pov- opment resource and that is people
erty remains unabated in Africa and the – our people are young. Our people
basic human development index has not are young, talented, energetic,
significantly changed. At times, the fu- hardworking and extremely enter-
ture looks so bleak that our young ones prising. Let us remind ourselves
are forced into migration, they want to
about the power of individuals.
go to where they perceive economic