Page 9 - Audacity Edition 2
P. 9
Effective prayer must be a scripturally informed response of persons saved
by grace to the living God who can hear and answer on the basis of Christ's
payment of the penalty which sinners deserved.
The object of prayer is God alone , through Jesus Christ as the Mediator. All
supplications, therefore, to saints or angels are not only useless, but blasphe-
mous. All worship of the creature, however exalted that creature is, is idola-
try, and is strictly prohibited in the sacred law of God. Nor are we to pray to
the Trinity as three distinct Gods; for though the Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost be addressed in various parts of the Scripture; 2 Corinthians 13:14;
2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17, yet never as three Gods, for that would lead us di-
rectly to the doctrine of polytheism. The more ordinary mode the Scripture
points out is to address the Father through the Son, depending on the Spirit
to help our infirmities; Ephesians 2:18; Romans 8:26.