Page 5 - Audacity Edition 2
P. 5
Do you feel like you have been on As I ponder this issue, my mind
the same spot for too long? Are you goes to a Bible passage that has
bugged down by discouragement, over the years become a source of
frustration and disappointment in encouragement to me – the dry
the pursuit of your dream? May be bones shall live again! (Ezekiel 37: 1
this is because you have tried and -11). My friend, do not lose faith,
failed so many times, made a lot of dare to believe in yourself once
mistakes, broken the trust of many again! Allow yourself once more to
who had confidence in you and become passionate about your
now, you find yourself in a place dream! Rise up and maximize the
where you feel that nothing good moment, for failing once, twice or
can be realised anymore! even seven times, as the Bible puts
it, does not mean that you are inca-
pable of rising up again. This is
your day and there are still oppor-
tunities for you to take.
Pst. Edward Ikeomu