Page 4 - Audacity Edition 2
P. 4
People in Southern California had excellent leader. With the help of
become very dependent on their Ray who finally bought the fran-
cars, and the culture was changing chise, the business exploded. Today
to accommodate that, including its the company has opened more than
businesses. 31,000 restaurants in 119 countries.
It is said that the company has more
The drive-in restaurant was a phe- estates than the Catholic Church
nomenon that sprang up in the worldwide.
early thirties, and became very
Who were these brothers? At the
popular. Dick and Maurice’s tiny
front of their building hung a neon
drive-in restaurant was a great suc-
sign that said McDonald’s Ham-
cess, and by the 1940’s, they had ex-
burgers. Dick and Maurice McDon-
panded the business by building a
ald had achieved their dream.
larger facility in Los Angeles with
a menu including hot dogs, French Today, the McDonald’s restaurant
fries to pork sandwiches and ham- has become a household name. If
burgers. there is one thing to be learned
from this story, it is the fact that
In 1954, the brothers hooked up
your dream can also come true.
with a man named Ray Kroc, an