Page 13 - Audacity Edition 2
P. 13
If you have people who are enter- $900 billion, almost a trillion dol-
prising, young, energetic and hard- lars. And it is not just that, the cash
working -let us remind ourselves this company has is about $300 bil-
what potent capacity and opportu- lion. To put it in context, our coun-
nities lie in this. try, our foreign reserves is about
$35 billion. One company founded
I will share three cases. First, Steve by an individual has cash balance
Jobs. Steve Jobs is an individual, he of over $300 billion.
founded Apple and today Apple’s
market capitalization (the value of Bill Gates founded Microsoft and
their company today) is close to today his market value is close to
$600 billion. Cash balances, about a ideas and most importantly they
$130 billion, one individual. Let’s have passion. But what give them
leave America and go to China. Jack leverage over our young people are
Ma founded Alibaba, the market not the ideas or passion they have,
value is about $500 billion, cash bal- in fact, some of our young people
ance, about $30 billion. have brighter ideas than them.
So, the point is, all these great men, These men succeeded and why it
what they and their companies remains a bit of a challenge to us is
have in common is that they have explained by two factors.
ingenuity, they have creativity, they