Page 3 - Proposal Flip
P. 3

A little about me

         First of all, I am a Brit, moved from the UK a few years ago to marry my
         beautiful Michigander wife.   Being from the UK will actually come in as
         an advantage to you, which I will go into later!
         I grew up on the circle tracks in the UK, racing both dirt and asphalt
         since the age of 14, so I have had a bit of experience with going round
         in circles!
         My father had a race engine company back home, so racing and race
         car preparation have been in the family for years.
         When I moved here, my first priority, even before buying a road car or
         a house, was to get established on the racing scene here in south east
         Michigan. A plan was made, a budget drawn up, and the ex Drew
         Charlson Super Outlaw Late model was purchased
         back in 2015.

                                                                 I am an Automotive software engineer.  Math and physics are
                                                                 my passion, a great help when setting up a race car.

                                                                 I am dedicated, hard working, and understand the im-
                                                                 portance of looking after our marketing partners, and doing
                                                                 everything we can possibly do to make it worthwhile for both

                                                                 Anyway, enough about me… :-)
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