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           F. Current Workload & Primary Local Offi  ce                               Benefi ts of our Team:
                                                                                     • Experience Working Together
           Barr & Barr’s proposed project team is available, ready and committed to the MetWest
           Th ree offi  ce building and parking garage project starting from preconstruction right      - Core & Shell
           through construction, commissioning and project closeout.  We have included in      - Tenant Interior
           Section 6: Appendix at the end of the proposal two alternate staffi  ng charts for      - Parking Garages
           this project.  As the Barr & Barr offi  ce continues to grow in the Florida Market, we   • Local Team
           wanted to include two options for staff  positions to be transparent in the proposal.  We   • Local Experience
           currently have off er letters out to the project team members included in the alternative
           staff  plans and would like to discuss the team options when appropriate to Metlife   •  Established Relationships
           and Cushman Wakefi eld.  Th  is project will be a priority for our Florida offi  ce and   with Local Subcontractors
           we are giving this project the highest level of service and commitment with day to
           day oversight from our most experienced team members.

           Th  is project will be managed from our Florida offi  ce that is currently being relocated
           in July 2017 to the Tampa Westshore Offi  ce District  prior to the start of construction
           for your project.  Barr & Barr has been in the Florida market since 2014.  Our Florida
           team leadership has built in the Tampa Westshore Offi  ce District for over 10 years.
           A couple of higher profi le projects built by our team members within the district
           includes projects at the Tampa International Airport, Moffi  tt International Outpatient
           Campus, Offi  ce and Retail Redevelopment at Walter’s Crossing, and the Metwest
           International projects.  Our leadership team has been involved in most of the major
           offi  ce building re-development projects for this area.  At Barr & Barr, the corporate
           commercial, healthcare, higher education, and life sciences markets will continue to
           be a major focus for our Florida Operations.
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