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MetWest Three

           Core & Shell and Tenant Interior Fitout

                A diff erentiator of Barr & Barr is that our project operations team leads the entire process from Precon-
                struction through Construction, Commissioning and Project Closeout.  Due to the depth of experience
                of our proposed project team for the MetWest Th  ree project, our Core & Shell team has the experience
                to build the interior tenant fi nishes, parking garage, and remaining site development work on an occupied
                campus.  Th  e team showcased below is the team that will make the commitment and deliver a successful
                project to MetLife, Cushman & Wakefi eld, and TVS.

                                                         MetWest Th ree
                                                 Core & Shell and Tenant Interior Fitout

                                  Keith W. Stanisce                           Cushman & Wakefi eld

                                                          Fred A. Hames
                                                        Executive in Charge

                                                          Matt Gilbert
                                                         Project Executive

                Preconstruction                 Field Operations                On-site Support

                    Christopher Dantz, LEED AP            Quoc Troung                     Robert Goslin
                     Director of Preonstruction       Senior Project Manager
                           Rick Lepre                                                       Ahbi Basu
                       Precon/Construction                                                  Scheduler
                        Analysis Resource                 Paul Koteras
                                                    Core & Shell & Parking Deck            James Manoli
                          Richard Lent                   Superintendent                   Safety Director
                        Project Estimator
                          John Duncan
                         MEP Manager                      John Ricardo
                                                      Interiors Superintendent
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