Page 3 - Equipment Echoes Issue #137
P. 3


                                              A FAIR QUESTION, AND AN ANNOUNCEMENT

                                                We get asked at times why we have so many pages dedicated to
          Equipment Echoes
          © Copyright 2020, all rights reserved, is published   advertising and fundraising. Fair enough question. To be direct, it’s
          four times a year by the Historical Construction   about money.
          Equipment Association                 We sell advertising space primarily to help fund the magazine,
          ISSN 0897-5159
                                              which helps keep your dues down. The ads also provide our mem-
          Thomas Berry, Editor                bers with awareness of the advertised services, and ads are traded
          Keith Haddock, Contributing Editor
                                              with other organizations for the sake of mutual promotion.
          No part of this magazine may be reproduced or used  As for the fundraising: Dues, merchandise sales and the occasional donation for operat-
          in any form without written permission from the editor.  ing expenses keep the lights on and the doors open. But it takes much more than that to
          The HCEA is a a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
          founded in 1986 and is “dedicated to preserving for   build a museum.
          public education the history of all types of construc-  There was a time many years ago when Equipment Echoes was dedicated entirely to
          tion, surface mining, and dredging equipment.” It has   articles and such about equipment history. It ran four to eight pages of unimpressive plain
          Regional Chapters in the United States, and new ones
          are encouraged. An International Convention is held in  paper back then, and a museum was only a dream. The HCEA has grown substantially
          various U.S. locations each year. Membership is open   since then in the scope of its work, including the much more appealing and larger slick
          to anyone interested in the history of equipment   paper magazine you are now reading, and the establishment of the National Construction
          from the construction, surface mining and dredging   Equipment Museum. The Museum’s collections have grown to the point — over 150 ma-
          industries, and includes a one year subscription to
          Equipment Echoes. General membership is $35.00 per   chines — that expansion is necessary.
          year (U.S. funds) for the United States and Canada.   Without this expansion, we fail in our  TABLE OF CONTENTS
          All other countries $55.00 per year (U.S. funds).   mission to properly preserve and present the
          Endowing Life Membership is $1000.00.                                    The Return of the D-2: A Look at Caterpillar’s
                                              equipment. Without funding, there will be no   Revised Model Nomenclature  9
          General correspondence, membership applications                          by Thomas Berry
          and renewals, Equipment Echoes back issues, adver-  expansion. As nice as it would be to do so, we   Excavating for Profit: the Sauerman Slackline
          tisements, and merchandise orders to:  cannot rely solely on grants or major donors   Cableway Excavators  12
          Historical Construction Equipment Association  for funds. We could eliminate the appeals for   by Thomas Berry
          16623 Liberty Hi Rd.,               donations from the magazine as some have   History at CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2020  20
          Bowling Green, OH 43402 USA         wanted, but then the only way to appeal to   by National Director Keith Haddock
          ph: (419) 352-5616 • fx: (419) 352-6086  our members would be through direct mail,
 •                                             Equipment Echoes On Site       22
                                              which would add to our operating costs.
          Articles For Publication:
                                              (Why not use only social media? Because a   Remembering Mark Strauss and Kevin Maguire
          Thomas Berry, Editor                large portion of our members don’t use it.)  by Don Frantz and Bruce Crawford  25
          16623 Liberty Hi Rd.,                 So that’s why we run ads and appeals for
          Bowling Green, OH 43402 USA
          ph: (419) 352-5616 •  donations.  The  ads  we  will  always  have,  DEPARTMENTS
          HCEA Board of Directors 2020:       but there’s one way to help the appeals go   Editorial               1
                                                                                   by Thomas Berry
          Officers:                           away — donate so that the project is fully
          President: Bill Annechini           funded, as we will not proceed with con-  President’s Letter         2
                                                                                   by Bill Annechini
          First Vice President: Don “Earl” Fitzgerald  struction otherwise. Thanks so much for
          Second Vice President: Chuck Sword  doing so as you can, and for your patience   Larry’s Safety Clinic   2
          Third Vice President: Vacant                                             HCEA News                       3
          Treasurer: Bill Annechini           and understanding.
          Secretary: Doris Hansen               With all that said, I want to introduce   Chapter Directory        4
          National Directors:                 you to a new regular feature starting in   New Member List           4
          Chairman: Mike Androvich   Ron Miller   this issue: EE On Site. Response to past   Archives News         5
          Roger Amato         L. W. Parker
          Benjamin Corey      Sam Robey       photo  stories  about  major  construction   Archive Donations       5
          Don Frantz          Jim Schaus      projects has been quite positive, so each   Life Members List        5
          Dave Geis           Dean Wack       issue will have a one- or two-page photo   National Contruction Equipment Museum News  6
          Keith Haddock       Jim Wiesner     spread on the theme of a project, mine or
          Joe Kotkowski                                                            Media Partners                  6
          Larry Kotkowski                     other locality. Enjoy!               Building Fundraiser             7
          Past Presidents:                      Also, to make the magazine more pre-  Patrons of the HCEA          8
          Dimitrie Toth Jr.   Ron Miller      sentable when it is opened to show a pro-
          Edward C. Martin    Dave Geis       spective member the articles and photos,   DVD Review               24
          Otto Templin        Dean Wack                                            HCEA Catalog                   27
          Harry Young II      Bruce Crawford  the catalog has been moved to the back,   Corporate Members         35
          Benjamin Corey      Larry Kotkowski   ahead of the Classifieds.
          Roger Nettz         Charles Capone Sr.  Thomas Berry, Editor             Classifieds                    35
          William Rudicill    Mike Androvich
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