Page 7 - Equipment Echoes Issue #137
P. 7

                                                                                                     S NEWS
                                                                     PRESIDENT’S LETTER
          DIGITAL LITERATURE: A FOLLOW-UP       In addition:                       • Roy Madison Jr. delivered 1½ lineal
            The editorial in Issue 135 addressed the   • John S. Buckley delivered a collec-  feet of sales and service literature,
          growing challenge posed by digitization of   tion of 20 wall calendars to the 2019   periodicals and clippings.
          sales and service literature. Through the   Convention.                  • Tom Peirce donated a collection of
          kindness of the editorial staff of Construc-  • Casey DeNicola added to a previous   prints, periodicals, books, other printed
          tion Equipment Magazine, those concerns   donation made in honor of James D.   material and memorabilia.
          have been rebroadcast to the industry as a   DeNicola Sr. and James D. DeNicola Jr.  • Linda Simons donated an assortment of
          whole, with an appeal for such literature to   • Mark Himes delivered five lineal feet of   prints and service literature.
          be made available to us.               Lima master parts books to the    Thanks to all of our very generous donors!
            Also on this front, the Archives has pre-  2019 show.
          served over 18,000 emails received from   • Mike Lattin donated 1½ lineal feet of
          late 2010 to current. They fall into three   service literature.
          broad headings: Industry e-blasts and news
          feeds; trade press; and correspondence and   ARCHIVES DONATIONS
          files shared by individuals. Although many
          of the links embedded in the emails no lon-  Our thanks to these individuals and businesses    In addition, thanks to the following for donations
                                               for donations to the HCEA Archives!
                                                                                  of electronic media:
          ger work, the headlines and other available
          content provide an oft-overlooked docu-  John S. Buckley  Mike Lattin   Roger Amato       Al Nus
                                                                 Roy Madison Jr
                                               Casey DeNicola, in honor of
                                                                                                    RTI Auctions
                                                                                  Bedrock Attachments
          mentation of this era in equipment history.   James D. DeNicola Sr. and   Donn Marinovich  Bidadoo Auctions  Ritchie Brothers
          As odd as they seem as a subject for preser-  James D. DeNicola Jr.  Nancy McDonnell  Case Construction    Auctioneers
          vation, they have become important given   K. Chris Hamel  Werner Muller  Equipment       Dave Shively
                                               Gary and Doris Hansen
          the reduction of content and, in some cases,   Mark Himes  jess Novak   Gregsons Auctioneers  Terex Corporation
                                                                                  Guntert & Zimmerman Const.
                                                                                                    Twinkle Company
                                                                 Michael Page, Page
          intermittent receipt of printed magazines.   Irving F. Jensen Jr.  Machinery LLC  Div., Inc.  VDI Auctions
          Interestingly enough, industry e-blasts are   Bill Kycia  Thomas S. Peirce  J. J. Kane Auctioneers
          themselves often going the way of printed   Mack Langford, Owner, C. A.   Peterson Contractors Inc.  Manitowoc Cranes
                                                 Langford Co., Inc.
                                                                                  The NICE Company
          literature, as social media is rendering them          Linda Simons
          obsolete and further complicating the task
          of preserving this history.
                                               Thanks to our Life Members!
          THANKS FOR MORE ARCHIVES DONATIONS   Annechini, William Jr.  Gleason, Carrol D.  Mayer, Wes  Ryan, Dennis
            To bring the backlog of major Archives   Anthony Andreassi &   Haak, Lee  McCaghy, Charles  Samp, Kelly
          donations up to date: The Archives has   Son Inc.      Hall, David      McDonough, Dana   Sams, John
          received two more very noteworthy dona-  Arras, James  Hansen, Doris    Miller, Greg      Schenkel, Jeffrey
          tions. Nancy McDonnell donated an out-  Brown, Joshua  Hansen, Gary     Miller, Ron       Schneider, Daniel
          standing collection of 53 6½ x 10½ inch   Carter, James C.  Hertzog, Barry  Moses, Michael  Schutte, Norm
          black-and-white prints showing construc-  Cornelius, Steve G.  Heysham, Bryan  Nardi, Larry P Sr.  Smoker, Jeffrey D.
          tion of dams in the Great Miami River Ba-  Crooker, Frank  Higgins, Glenn M.  Nettz, Louise  Sullivan, Leo
          sin between 1918 and 1921. They were   Deckert, Russ   Hill, Rich       Nus, Alvin        Swap, Lewis
          obtained from a local historical society.   Drury, Marvin  Holback, Ian  Olden, Craig     Sword, Chuck
            Also, as if in reply to that editorial about   Ehrman, Dustin  Hudson. Gary  Paterek, Sam  Tallmadge, Ronald H.
          the scarcity of recent sales literature, Mi-  Elliott, Fred  Jackowski, Denis  Peterson, Robert E.   Trump, Robert
          chael Page of Page Machinery LLC donated   Farnell, Jeffrey W.  Kochiss, Jack  “Bob”      Turner, Ricky
          six lineal feet of the stuff, mostly from 2000   Frost, Jay  Kochy, Joshua  Pittman, Walt  Tweet, William
          through 2010, along with a complete set   Frost, Jerry  Koehn, Mark W.  Pock, Eugene Jr.  Urch, Walter Lee Jr.
          of Caterpillar Performance Handbooks, 6¼   Funk, Larry  Kotkowski, Larry  R A Hammond     Wack, Dean
          feet of other sales literature and reference   Gangle, Jim  Kotkowski, Ronald  Construction  Ward, Elgene
          materials, and 2½ feet of periodicals, books   Gangle, Lee  LaFramboise, Noah  Rauchwarter, Randy  Warren, Lawrence W.
          and miscellaneouis printed matter.   Geary, Tim        Lubbers, John    Reeves, Randy     Wolfe, William W.
                                               Gebolys, Gregory C.  Martin, Edward C.  Rendina, Sam
                                               Geis, Dave        Martin, William C.  Riddle, Bill

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