Page 5 - Equipment Echoes Issue #137
P. 5
2020 CONVENTION POSTPONED Interstate Grading and Paving, Inc.
In light of the Covid outbreak, the Board was established in 1978 by a family of 3rd
of Directors has voted to postpone the 2020 generation native San Franciscan grading
International Convention and Old Equip- and paving contractors with almost 70
ment Exposition until August 27-29, 2021. years in the business, and its 4th generation
It will still be held near Concordia, Kansas, is now in the business. Its work includes
with the same outstanding attractions. site preparation and development, mass ex-
cavation, grading, demolition, airport and
2022 CONVENTION ANNOUNCED street and road reconstruction and paving,
In 2022, the Convention will return to parking lot construction, asphalt paving and
the National Construction Equipment Mu- Flanked by the HCEA’s new retractable banners promoting the sealing, parks and athletic fields construc-
seum! Dates will be announced. HCEA (right) and its fundraising effort to bring the Terex Titan tion, and redevelopment.
to Bowling Green (left), Mike Vance and Office Manager Jackie In addition, Clark Enterprises Inc. and
Hendry sign up a member at the CONEXPO booth.
NEW BUILDING ENGINEERING Rhoads Industries have all renewed their
PROPOSAL RECEVIED Corporate Memberships since the last issue.
Aa announced in the last issue, a study Our deepest thanks to these outstanding
and estimate for the sanitary sewer, storm companies and their executives for their
sewer, water main, parking lot, and all commitment to the HCEA and its work.
other utilities and infrastructure related to Corporate members designate up to five
construction of our new Museum Building people to receive the HCEA’s quarterly mag-
has been submitted for consideration by the azine, Equipment Echoes, and VIP passes to
Board of Directors. The Building Commit- its annual International Convention and
tee will be “walking the job” this summer Old Equipment Exposition. The recipients
to explore how to proceed with its recom- can be its own personnel, or customers,
mendations. suppliers or other individuals. Member-
ship also includes a link on the HCEA’s
2020 CONEXPO A SUCCESS website at, and publicity in
The HCEA’s participation at CONEXPO Equipment Echoes and in press releases to
was a success, despite various limitations trade publications and websites.
and the show closing early due to the pan- Back home, in a sense! This salesman’s model of an Eimco
demic. We had an excellent location with overshot loader was displayed at the booth by National FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS:
lots of traffic and ample room, we had a Director Larry Kotkowski. It is believed to have been built for • DATE AND LOCATION CHANGE: August, 2020,
National Construction Equipment Museum, date TBA
strong visual presence featuring two new the 1957 Road Show. • DATE CHANGE: Friday, October 30, Wack Manufactur-
retractable banners, an Eimco salesman’s ing shop, Harmony, Pennsylvania
model shown by National Director Larry 2020 THRIVENT CAMPAIGN FUTURE CONVENTIONS:
Kotkowski, and a large wall monitor, and A big THANK YOU to all who partici- • 2020 POSTPONED
we had very enthusiastic staffing. 122 new pated in the annual Thrivent Choice Dol- • 2021 Concordia, Kansas, August 27-29
individual members and a Corporate Mem- lars Program. $653 was raised through the • 2022 National Construction Equipment Museum,
ber signed up, and a number of new indus- efforts of Thrivent Financial members. September, dates TBA
try contacts were established.
Thanks to National Directors Dave Geis, BACK ISSUE BLOWOUT HELD OVER
Keith Haddock, Doris Hansen, Joe Kot- Also, a big THANK YOU to everyone IN MEMORIAM
kowski and Larry Kotkowski; members who helped make the Back Issue Blowout Ralph Glaus
Chris Evans, Gary Hansen, Mike Vance, sale a success. The sale has been continued; Kevin Maguire
Mark Strauss
and Dave Weinberger and sons Gareth and order your back issues on Page 31. Please – if you learn of a member’s passing, please
Ben; Office Manager Jackie Hendry and let us know so we can pay them respect.
Archivist/Editor Thomas Berry for out- CORPORATE MEMBERS CONTINUE
standing effort. Special thanks to National THEIR COMMITMENT
Director Ron Miller for leading this effort The HCEA welcomes its newest Corpo-
and for very generous donations towards rate Member!
the show’s success.
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