Page 4 - Hello!- Hyatt Corporation Proposal
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Thank you for the opportunity to present our ideas for your very important Hyatt 2020
Las Vegas programs. We are honored to be a part of the process and we look forward
to showcasing how we can be the best partner for your creative, logistical and local
expertise needs.
We’re grateful that our teams had the opportunity to connect at IMEX earlier this year.
Based on that conversation, and conversations we had prior to the RFP distribution,
here is what we understand you’re looking for in a partner:
• Reduce operating costs
• Proactive partner that knows your goals
• Site inspections simplified
• Eliminate duplicated efforts with a streamlined process
• Shared ideas and collaboration; don’t “reinvent the wheel”
It was noted at IMEX that, for you, an important trait for a good partner is someone
that is proactive and one step ahead. We know that at this point you’re looking for a
high-level view of concepts on each event but we went ahead with doing some of the
operational leg work on your behalf. For each event we have preemptively reached out
to check availability and put a soft hold on the space on your behalf. The photos
included are to give you a quick peek at the options we think would meet your goals as
we currently understand them.
Upon researching the Hyatt brand, we discovered that many of your Park Hyatt hotels
are designed with the aesthetic of the region in mind. For instance, in California, the
ombres of the sky or the way the ocean reflects at sunset. We took this vision and
expanded upon that for our dive into the Virtuoso Travel Week Client Reception. As
Hyatt embodies the ambiance of their environment, we have pulled inspirations from
the natural beauty of Nevada/Las Vegas to represent the brand and your special client
In closing, we’d like to, once again, thank you for the opportunity to present. We look
forward to diving deeper into your brand goals and how we can best align with your
Kristina Ghiloni
Senior Account Executive, Hello! Las Vegas Destination Management