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                  Foreword ................................................................................... 1

                  Contents ................................................................................... 3

                  Train Your Mind to See How the World REALLY Works... .... 4

                  Adding the Complexity Perspective to Your Mental Toolbox . 5

                  About This Guide ..................................................................... 6

                  The Idea of a Complexity Perspective ..................................... 9

                  The Idea of Emergence ........................................................... 13

                  The Idea of a (Bounded) System ............................................ 21

                  The Idea of Context ................................................................ 27

                  The Idea of Downward & Upward Causation ........................ 36

                  The Idea of Requisite Complexity.......................................... 47

                  The Idea of Diffusion ............................................................. 58

                  The Idea of Networks ............................................................. 67

                  The Idea of Nonlinearity ........................................................ 74

                  The Idea of Self-Organization ................................................ 81

                  The Idea of the “Edge of Chaos” ............................................ 86

                  An Emerging Idea: The “Fractal Organization” .................... 89

                  The Last Word ........................................................................ 93

                  ©Business Games Works 2018                    (Version 1)
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