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About This Guide

                  We believe anyone can acquire a Complexity Perspective despite two
                  thousand years plus of cultural conditioning. The aim of this Guide is
                  to support the acquisition of that complexity perspective.

                  The Payoff

                  This Guide seeks to capture the insights into how the world
                  REALLY works and has ALWAYS WORKED. The insights are
                  those provided by Complexity Theory. The Guide captures those

                  insights and places them, exclusively, into a business context.

                  Is the Complexity Perspective ‘Mainstream’

                  Yes and no!

                                       It is slowly seeping into the
                                            business vocabulary!

                                    “Though nobody would deny that the world has
                                 become more complex during the past decades, there
                                 has been no watershed event to make managers apply
                                            complexity science to their work.

                                  Rather, there has been a gradual change in mindset,
                                  pushed along by the increasingly evident damage of
                                 narrow, simplistic thinking. The toolkit that allows us
                                    to understand the dynamics of large systems has
                                   continued to evolve. And the reassuring truth has
                                been re-asserted that, on top of the logic of algorithms,
                                      human values and judgment are essential.”

                                 Based on: Why Managers Haven’t Embraced Complexity Richard

                  ©Business Games Works 2018                    (Version 1)
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