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Train Your Mind to See How the
World REALLY Works...
Even with an MBA, it is highly
likely you haven't been fully
trained to see with a Complexity
Perspective like top leaders do
For 2500 years, Western education has focused on building
competence in Analysis (reductionism) rather than Synthesis (holism).
This includes modern business schools.
Analytic thinking is a perspective on problem-solving that has given us
modern science and the consequent stream of insights and
innovations that make up our modern world.
The analytic perspective is perfect for simple or even complicated
problems. However, when leaders must deal with complex or near
chaotic contexts, an analytic approach is typically worthless or
misleading. If analytical thinking is so good, why do:
90% of strategic plans fail?
60% of corporate acquisitions lose
All business contexts are complex and occasionally chaotic, with an
underlying rate of turbulence that will only increase in this century.
Complex issues require a holistic, integrative viewpoint; in short, a
Complexity Perspective.
©Business Games Works 2018 (Version 1)