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The Idea of a Complexity


                                    What is Complexity Theory?

                  Complexity theory from a business viewpoint is a generic insight about

                  the implications for businesses of being embedded in a constantly
                  evolving context.

                             If  we  had  to  summarize  in  a  more  lofty
                             fashion,      complexity        theory      is about the
                             dynamics  of  the  way  the  world  ‘becomes’;

                             about  how  the  business  context  is  in  a
                             constant  state  of  Emergence  and  the  effect
                             that has on business systems.

                             The theory is comprised of a number of major

                             constructs that operate together to create the
                             business context to which organizations must
                             adapt or die.

                  The dynamic nature of complex contexts leads to outcomes that are

                  not necessarily predictable; there is no linear connection between an
                  apparent cause and an apparent effect. This means that interventions
                  by business leaders can lead to unintended consequences both

                  positive and negative. A corollary to this is that complex
                  contexts are difficult to forecast, but by understanding the underlying
                  dynamics a leader can make intuitive sense of what is happening.

                  The Complexity Perspective uses Complexity Theory constructs as
                  metaphors. It is useful in the fields of strategic

                  management and organizational studies, and lies (largely

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