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unacknowledged) behind many theories in economics, organizational
                  behavior, sociology, and political theory.

                  Complexity theory is an interdisciplinary theory that grew out of
                  systems thinking in the 1950s and 1960s drawing on research

                  largely in the natural sciences. Complexity thinking has been slowly
                  entering business vocabulary and academic literature since the late-

                  The Complexity Perspective Can Seem, Well,

                  In the hard sciences, complexity theory is an analytic tool often
                  expressed in mathematics far beyond the understanding of the average

                  layperson.  Worse, each branch of science tends to have its own jargon
                  for the same or similar constructs, which again makes it difficult for
                  the uninitiated to follow. Search Google or check Wikipedia for
                  complexity theory concepts and they are also often expressed in

                  mathematical terms or generalized with a science focus; business
                  applications are only occasionally considered and when they are, they
                  are often mixed in with hard science terminology.

                  Luckily, in business, the constructs of complexity theory are best

                  thought of as metaphors that powerfully enlighten one's
                  understanding of business problems. This disposes of the need
                  for advanced math and means we need not feel guilty about expressing
                  complexity theory ideas in terms that make sense only to business


                                           Before we move on!

                  One of the aims of this Guide & Website is to simplify the confusion of
                  sources and jargons from hard sciences that makes the Complexity

                  ©Business Games Works 2018                    (Version 1)
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