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•  Answers 4b  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  q
         DRM74                                                 DRM78
           Planet   M    HTh  TTh  Th   H   T   u               1  yacht  A    B      C     D     E     F    G
                                                                  points  (4,  140°) (I, 120°)  (3, 80°)  (2,70°)  (6, 60°) (5, 50°) (5, 30°)
   e       Mercury                4    0   0    0              2
           Earth                  2    8   0    0
           Mars                   6    8   0    0
           Jupiter            4   3    0   0    0
           Saturn             2   0    0   0    0
           Uranus             5   2    0   0    0
           Neptune            4   q    0   0    0
           Pluto                  3    0   0    0
           Sun           4    0   0    0   0    0
         2  Neptune is  JO times larger than Mercury.
           Venus is  I 0 times smaller than Saturn.
           Mars is about 7 times smaller than Neptune.
                                                                     class Interval   tally   frequency
           The diameter if Jupiter would fit into the Sun's nearly I 0
                                                                    I  - 't minutes   I II   3
                                                                   5 - g minu.tes   .mt II   7
         3  10q                                                     q _ 12 minutes  .mt 1111   q
                                                                    13-16 minutes  .mt   5
         DRM75                                                      17 - 20 minutes  1111   4
         1  a            + 500       + 500      + 500               21  -24 minutes  II   2
              I 020521   I 021021    I 021521   I 022021
                                                               2     title  !:!'.!'.!l!!i  of pho!'_e calls  - -------
              4215806    4216306     4216806    4217306             10
           b             + 5000      + 5000     +5000                -
              I 020521   I 025521    I 030521   I 035521                                              -
                                                                  i'.;'  6
              4215806    4220806     4225806    4230806           c:
                                                                  !!:  5
                                                                  ~  4  -  - -  ~      ..  -  ~
           c             + 50000     + 50000    + 50000                                I,.,  __
              I 020521   I 070521    1120521    1170521
              4215806    1265806     1315806    I 365806
                                                                    O 1-4- irun~  !Hlmins  q-12m1ns  13-16mins  17- 20mms21-24mins
         2  a            -1000       -1000      -1000                            length of call in minutes
              I 020521   I 01q521    1018521    1017521        3  Open. Most of the calls were less than  12 minutes in
              4215806    4214806     4213806    4212806           length.
           b             -100000     -100000   -100000         DRMBO
              I 020521   I 01q521    I 018521   I 01752        Open
              4215806    4115806     4015806    3QJ5806
                                                               ORM 81
         3  a  2734375
           c  223Q488
           d  I 572864
                                                                   I    enter   I     display     Th   H   T   u
         DRM76                                                    0  lIJ@J05J@J0        1 20 o _ I   I   2   0   0
         1   aircraft   how far out   on which spoke              b  0@J0@J@J0          300 o. I   3   0   0    0
             A         10 points     80°                          c 5J@J0(IJ@JGJ  c::::~           2   8   0    0
             B         11  points    50°                          d ~@J00@JG I          4 so o. I   4   5   0   0
             c          5 points     60°                          e l!J@J0@J@J0  I      4 so o. I   4   8   0   0
             D          7 points     40°                          • 0@l00@J0  I         4 'lO 0 . I   4   q   0   0
             E          2 points     70°                          g  @)@]0[!)@]0  I     4soo . I   4   8   0   0
             F          4 points     20°
             G          q points     10°                       3  All the answers are multiples of I 00.
         2   aircraft   co-ordinates                           4  a  1000       b  2100
           I  E        (2, 70)                                    c  2400       d  6300
           2F          (4, 20)                                   e  7200        f  400
           3C          (5,  60)                                   g  1500       h  2400
           40          (7, 40)                                    i  5600
           5G          Q,  JO)
           SA          (JO, 80)
           78  "       (11, 50)


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