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P. 231

Unit 7: Astrophysics                                                                   Page 29

               Galaxies                                           several different types of active

                                                                  galaxies, including radio galaxies
               Stars like to live together in                     (edge-on view of galaxies emitting
               families. Galaxies are stars that are              jets), quasars (3/4 view of the
               pulled and held together by                        galaxy emitting jets), blazars
               gravity. Some galaxies are sparse                  (aligned so we’re looking straight
               while others are packed so dense                   down into the black hole jet), and
               you can’t see through them.                        others. Our own galaxy, the Milky
               Galaxies also like to hang out with                Way, has a super-massive black
               other galaxies (called galaxy                      hole at its center, which is
               clusters), but not all galaxies                    currently quiet and dormant.
               belong to clusters, and not all stars
               belong to a galaxy.                                Globular and Open Clusters

               Active galaxies have very unusual
               behavior. Most galaxies have                       When you look up at the night sky,

               super-massive black holes in the                   it seems like the pinpoints of light
                                                                  are each isolated from each other.
               center, many of which lie dormant.
                                                                  When viewed through a telescope,
               Scientists think active galaxies are
                                                                  however, single stars can actually
               the ones where the black hole is
               actively feeding on in-falling                     transform into tens of millions of
                                                                  stars. Globular clusters are
               material. What scientists can
                                                                  massive groups of stars held
               detect are huge bursts of energy in
                                                                  together by gravity, using housing
               the form of x-ray and gamma rays
               spewing up and out of the plane of                 between tens of thousands to
                                                                  millions of stars (think New York
               the galaxy - a sure sign of a
                                                                  City). Open clusters are made up
               voracious black hole. There are

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