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Unit 7: Astrophysics                                                                   Page 34

               Notice that they don’t add                         entire scientific field. At that

               together! They are not supposed                    time, there were two principles
               to. So, it was logical to expect that              that everyone
               light would behave the same way.                   assumed were
                                                                  true, which
               Well, it didn’t.                                   Einstein rejected.
                                                                  The first idea he
               The light from both beams
                                                                  rejected was
               actually measured the same
                                                                  “every viewpoint
               exact speed. It would be like your
                                                                  is absolute”.
               ball staying at the constant 60 mph
               no matter how hard you throw it.                   Einstein said that there is no one
                                                                  right viewpoint. What does
               And scientists realized that
                                                                  ‘absolute viewpoint’ mean?
               something very odd was going on.
               It took decades before Einstein was                It means that there is a unique and
               able to come to the rescue with his                special point of view that’s really
               ideas about relativity and                         the ‘right’ one, and all the other
               spacetime.                                         viewpoints are not valid for doing
                                                                  science experiments in.
               Here’s the short answer: It was
               discovered that the laws of                        For example, if you are playing
               Newtonian physics work fine when                   tennis on a cruise ship traveling at
               dealing with objects traveling at                  constant steed in a straight line,
               slow speeds. By slow I mean slow                   does it matter which way you
               compared to the speed of light.                    serve? Do you need to take into

                                                                  account the motion of the boat
               To be exact, Newtonian physics
                                                                  when you hit the ball?
               starts to break down with speeds
               greater than 10% of the speed of                   No! It doesn’t matter at all. You
               light, or 30,000 meters per second.                play the same game on a cruise

               For speeds faster than this, we                    ship as you would at the beach, at
               have to worry about the effects of                 a park, or even on Venus (inside a
               relativity.                                        dome so you can breathe and not
                                                                  be crushed by the atmosphere).
               Special Relativity
                                                                  So what’s the speed of the tens
               Albert Einstein in 1905 came up                    ball as you whack it toward the
               with an idea that shook the                        front of the ship?

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